

The interschool art competition “TRANSPORT AROUND US” has been adjudicated. 12 primary schools from the vicinity of Białystok participated in it. As many as 315 works were submitted to the committee, including drawings by 6-year-old children, which the Organizer also decided to award. The jury had a difficult task, because all participants presented transport and the role it plays in people’s lives in a very careful and interesting way. It was decided to select the 12 best illustrations to be included in the 2017 calendar of the ERA Foundation, as well as non-competitive works by 6-year-olds.

Below is a list of the finalists of the competition:


1st place – Patrycja Dernowska (John Paul II School Complex in Kleosin, age 8)

2nd place – Natalia Kasprzyńska (Father Michał Sopoćka Primary School in Księżyn, 9 years old)

3rd place – Dominika Nasuto (Władysław Broniewski Primary School in Dobrzyniew Duży, age 9)


Maja Czołpińska (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki, age 8)

Maja Sobolewska (Eliza Orzeszkowa School Complex in Sobolewo, age 8)

Michał Łapiński (Sports School Complex in Supraśl, 9 years old)

Gabriela Marczuk (School and Kindergarten Complex in Fasty, age 9)

Natalia Borysiewicz (Primary School in Obrubniki, age 10)

Paulina Dąbkowska (Primary School in Pogorzałki, 9 years old)

Dawid Dziejma (Henryk Sienkiewicz Primary School in Choroszcz, aged 9)

Karolina Walendziuk (School and Kindergarten Complex in Nowy Aleksandrów, 10 years old)

Paweł Jagiełło (King Zygmunt August Primary School in Wasilków, age 9)

Maria Połocka (Eliza Orzeszkowa School Complex in Sobolewo, 7 years old)

Additionally highlighted drawings of 6-year-olds:

Idalia Bartoszuk (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki),

Julia Staszak (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki),

Dominik Bułach (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki),

Klaudia Sieklucka (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki),

Alicja Siemion (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki),

Milena Korzep (School and Kindergarten Complex of Volunteer Fire Brigades in Ogrodniczki).

We would like to congratulate not only the authors of the distinguished drawings, but also all participants for the submitted works. Words of thanks go to the schools, without whose help we would not be able to carry out our event.